Thursday, February 13, 2020

John Moreland - "Terrestrial"


That was the first thought I had when this track started up midway through John Moreland's latest album, LP5 (coincidentally his fifth). "Terrestrial" just unfurls over the course of its near-four-minute runtime, beginning with an acoustic guitar alone before it's joined by the bass, drums, electric guitar and a piano.


So wonderfully recorded - you get the warmth of the low notes and the sparkle of those chords the right hand is forming. Focusing on just the piano on this track is a rewarding exercise, particularly when it goes on a little vamp at the 2:41 mark in the upper registers of the keyboard. Plus there's friggin' percussive clapping flitting around those notes.


Did you ever have an old blanket that was thick, a little bit coarse and not the best to snuggle up in but damn if it wasn't the perfect thing to pull over your legs on a cool evening outdoors? Maybe you kept it in the trunk of your car for a picnic or an emergency? That's Moreland's voice - it's not fleece soft, but it is secure and comforting nonetheless. I can picture taking a drive out of the city, pulling out that blanket to cover up with my back against a tree and a view of the stars in the night sky with "Terrestrial" wafting out of the open window.

This is one of those perfect songs and is a front runner for my favourite of 2020.

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